Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spooky Halloween Party!

After all that waiting, the Halloween party has arrived. Here are the cheats:

Scavenger Hunt

This time you are searching for ghosts in piles of green sweets:

1. Cove- On the left of the pink surfboard will be a pile of sweets. Click that. A ghost will appear- click that again.

2. It's right outside the haunted house, on the left of the grave stones.

3. Mine- There's a pile of sweets by the recycling centre.

4. Ski Village- By the costume show.

5. Ski Hill- Hidden behind a pumpkin.

6. Forest- Top right corner.

7. Beach- Behind the pile of wood that should be a fire.

8. Dock- Top right behind the fence surrounding the pumpkins.

Night of the Living Sled- LIVE

Going through the rest of the catalogue, I noticed that they have 2 pages for almost every play that's ever been shown! Also, the script has all the lines from those plays too! Including Night of the Living Sled, which has never been a play, just a film.


If you go up to a door, the doorbell will ring and the door will open!

If you go to the Haunted House, there is a free ghost costume.


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