Friday, October 07, 2011

Cool Competition!

I'm holding a competition! You have 2 weeks (maybe more) to enter. This is what you have to do:

(Look at the bottom all non members. There's something for you as well.)

I want you to create a themed igloo with a matching penguin and puffle. It can be any theme. Seasonal, religious, musical, etc. Take a picture of it and send it to me at

Here's how you take the picture (Windows users):
1. Open up Paint
2. Find where you want to take the picture.
3. Press 'prt sc'. It should be somewhere around the top right of your keyboard.
4. Open up paint and paste the screen shot.
5. Crop the bit that you need. (Get rid of toolbars and everything, you just want the Club Penguin screen.)
6. Put your username at the top or bottom so no one steals it.

Email Form:

Subject: Theme Competition
Attachment: (Save the file as (your username here).png



If you are a non member

If you are a non member, I want you to write a short description about how you would decorate your igloo and penguin, and which puffle you would use. (Maybe a hat for the puffle...?)

The prize is a surprise.

You have until Saturday 22nd October to enter.

Good Luck!


Are you going to enter? Email me if you have any problems. :)


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