About Me

My Club Penguin name is Smallpengi12.
I am eleven years old.
I am obsessed with Club Penguin.

I love Bananas, people called Shirley and Aztecs.

Bananas+Shirley=Shirley Banana Queen of Banana Land

I am Shirley Banana Queen of Banana land in the universe of fruit.


I also work on CP Cheats Ultra, but that doesn't do much anymore. :(


I started blogging in May 2010, and since then my blog has grown and grown, although it's been a year and I have had fewer than 10 comments! :'(

That is a picture I did of my cat. The yellow stuff on it's head is grated cheese, because it loves cheese so when I punish it I put grated cheese on it's head, so it wanders around with food on it's head and it can't reach it. I'm pretty sure my cat is evil.
