Saturday, October 15, 2011


Sticky Post! Scroll down for newest 

I really wish that people would comment on my blog. I have been considering doing a point system to attract more people. Infact, I have a few ideas, but I can only use one. Which one to choose?

1. Point System
You can give me your username for a points page. You can earn points for every party you attend, every post you comment on, etc. (3 comments per post will be counted.) When you earn enough points you can win prizes. You can choose to use your points on prizes by commenting on the points page. To avoid lag all comments would be deleted after 100 comments, unless there is anything important, then I'd take a screen shot.

2. Bi- Weekly Event

Every week I would do a poll to decide which event everyone would like. The poll would be up for a week, then the post about the event would be up for a week. That means that everyone has 1 week to decide what they'd like to do, then one week to work out whether or not they can come. Sometimes these events may have to be called off, and also I am not very reliable... (It's a genetic thing)

3. Weekly Competition

The clue is in the name.

Please tell me what you would like using this comment form:

Club Penguin Name:
Why you chose that (optional):

Please vote! I am stickying this post (keeping it at the top), so for newest posts scroll down a little.


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