Friday, October 14, 2011

Halloween and Puffle updates!

First for the puffle updates!

My puffles feel neglected. :( It'll be easier to look after them with these new changes!
 PH Puffle Handler showed me how to care for my puffles! :) (She must be hinting something...)
Sorry Bert! I hope you feel better now you've eaten, washed, brushed and played. Am I really that rubbish?

And the Halloween catalogue:

Click the lollipop in the Trick-or-Treats bowl!

Click the word 'Bats'.
 Click the Wall Ghost's mouth!
 Click the pumpkin stalk!
 Click the '230'.
 Click the word 'Spooky'.
 Click the top of the tallest stone in the Stone Wall.
 Click the 2nd Pumpkin's eye.
 Click the 3rd Pumpkin's eyes.
 Click the face of the antique clock.
 Click the far right window of the Haunted Mansion Cut-Out.
 Click the top pumpkin of the Jack-O-Lights.
 Click the Mansion Door.
Oh, and my favourite:

I love that igloo!!!
I love Halloween. It's one of my favourite times of the year. Do you like Halloween? Do you celebrate it?

Let me know in the comments!


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