Saturday, October 01, 2011

What do you want?

I haven't been doing very well lately. My posts haven't given enough information, I don't always post on time and I haven't posted about all the updates. I've decided to do a lot of updates to change this blog. Before I start I need to know what you think.
All I need you to do is comment using this form:

What you like:
What you don't like:
How I can improve:

All you do is copy and paste it into the comment box and answer all the questions. I really want to know what you think, because in my opinion, the best way to improve a blog like this is to ask the readers what they want. Because I could make an update that some people/nobody likes. I don't want to lose page views, and today when I looked I have ha 6086 since the day I started. Some blogs have a million views in a month. :(

Please tell your friends about this blog, and ask them to comment too!


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