Sunday, October 30, 2011

Vote for Club Penguin in the 2011 Kid's Baftas!

If you really like Club Penguin, you can vote for them in the Kid's Baftas!

1. Click this link: KID'S BAFTAS

2. There are many things to choose from! Bin Weevils, CBBC, Moshi Monsters, Club Penguin, etc...
I hope you click Club Penguin, like me!

3. If you do choose to vote for Club Penguin, then there's a cool video for you to watch before you vote!

4. Voting is easy! Just tick the box saying 'Are you aged 7-14?' (If you are aged 7-14, of course) Then, click on the 'VOTE NOW' button.

5. Once you've done that, it will look like this:

I hope you vote for Club Penguin, but of course there are loads of choices. There are four categories, so remember to vote for your favourites in them as well!


Tip- If you have more than one favourite, you can vote again on a different computer.

Friday, October 28, 2011

New Friends System, Newspaper and Field Op!

Club Penguin have updated the friends system!:
There's a new Newspaper!
Here's the 'upcoming events' section:

And finally, the Field Op:

1. Go to the command room and click on the big yellow screen.
2. When you have read Gary's orders, click 'Accept Field Op'.
3. Go to the Night Club.
4. In the corner (I can't do pictures for this bit, my connection was lost and they won't let me in again) look for a pumpkin with eyes that look like it's wearing sunglasses. Waddle over to it.
5. When your spy phone goes green, click on it and do the mini game.
6. Read the message and you're done.


Do you like the new updates? Pufflescape, Friends List and Chat are my favourites!

Coming Soon: New Chat and Friends!

There's a new post on the Club Penguin blog:

Hello Penguins!

Hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the Anniversary Party! Make sure you check out the new Yearbook over in the Book Room.

Last month I posted
a video blog where I mentioned that we're working on a brand new Friends experience. I also mentioned the new Chat system that some of you helped test on Beta Team.

Guess what? We're getting ready to launch them both very soon! These are two of the biggest system improvements we've ever made, so we're incredibly excited to share them with you. Here's a sneak peek of the new Friends icon in the toolbar:

blog_111025.jpgWhile I can't say too much just yet, I will say this... the new Friends and Chat will make it way easier for you to connect with your friends on Club Penguin. We'll have more info soon, so stay tuned!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on October 25 2011 04:16

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Anniversary Party!

We've waited a whole year to find out what the new hat looks like. Now we can get it!

Here's what to do:

The room looks like this:
(I'd already burst the balloons in this picture.)
The hat this year is a Halloween hat. I like it but I think we need a hat with 2 colours soon. We haven't had one of those for ages.

Do you like the new 6th Anniversary hat? What do you think of the room?

Tell me in the comments!


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Spooky Halloween Party!

After all that waiting, the Halloween party has arrived. Here are the cheats:

Scavenger Hunt

This time you are searching for ghosts in piles of green sweets:

1. Cove- On the left of the pink surfboard will be a pile of sweets. Click that. A ghost will appear- click that again.

2. It's right outside the haunted house, on the left of the grave stones.

3. Mine- There's a pile of sweets by the recycling centre.

4. Ski Village- By the costume show.

5. Ski Hill- Hidden behind a pumpkin.

6. Forest- Top right corner.

7. Beach- Behind the pile of wood that should be a fire.

8. Dock- Top right behind the fence surrounding the pumpkins.

Night of the Living Sled- LIVE

Going through the rest of the catalogue, I noticed that they have 2 pages for almost every play that's ever been shown! Also, the script has all the lines from those plays too! Including Night of the Living Sled, which has never been a play, just a film.


If you go up to a door, the doorbell will ring and the door will open!

If you go to the Haunted House, there is a free ghost costume.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Reviewed By You: Puffle Hats!

Club Penguin have posted on their blog:

Hello Penguins! 

In our last Reviewed by You post, we asked you for your best Puffle Launch tips and tricks. We asked a game designer to pick his favorite trick from the comments. Here are a couple different tips you suggested: 

Shadow1o12 said: 
My advice would be if you see the cannon pointing up and nothing is there go up it. I did it once. I got lots of coins doing that and thats my advice for you. Isn't it awesome! So i do it all the time now. Waddle over to the pet shop and do it. Waddle on CP.
Chihang321 said:
Remember, During a boss level, you usually have to defeat a flying machine. Instead of hitting it from the bottom or the sides, you hit it from the top so gravity pulls your puffle down and allows you to do two or even three or even four hits in a row! 

Thanks for sharing all the great Puffle Launch tricks!

For this Reviewed by You, we want to celebrate Halloween and Puffle Hats... We want you to describe the freakiest, strangest, zaniest Halloween-themed puffle hat you could possibly imagine!

blog_111014.jpgDescribe your creation in a comment below. Then next week, we'll randomly pick one of your inventions and a Club Penguin artist will draw it here on the blog!

Try to keep your comment as short as possible (50-75 words is best.) Can't wait to read all your comments!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on October 16 2011 08:32


Are you going to do this? If so, what's your idea?

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Stats are the number of visitors to my blog. If my stats are high, then I do competitions and events, but if my stats are low then I just post the cheats and nothing interesting. The thing is, if no one is visiting my blog then who will come to my parties? If loads of people visit then my parties will be quite popular. I've been blogging for a year and a half now, and some blogs get a million views in a month. Overall I have had 6000 and a half. Most of the visits are from family.

When you visit, I only ask for these things:

1.Comment on my most recent post.
2. Follow the blog.
3. Tell you friends about it. (Be positive, not negative.)

I desperately want more people to come!


Saturday, October 15, 2011


Sticky Post! Scroll down for newest 

I really wish that people would comment on my blog. I have been considering doing a point system to attract more people. Infact, I have a few ideas, but I can only use one. Which one to choose?

Friday, October 14, 2011

Halloween and Puffle updates!

First for the puffle updates!

My puffles feel neglected. :( It'll be easier to look after them with these new changes!
 PH Puffle Handler showed me how to care for my puffles! :) (She must be hinting something...)
Sorry Bert! I hope you feel better now you've eaten, washed, brushed and played. Am I really that rubbish?

And the Halloween catalogue:

Click the lollipop in the Trick-or-Treats bowl!

Click the word 'Bats'.
 Click the Wall Ghost's mouth!
 Click the pumpkin stalk!
 Click the '230'.
 Click the word 'Spooky'.
 Click the top of the tallest stone in the Stone Wall.
 Click the 2nd Pumpkin's eye.
 Click the 3rd Pumpkin's eyes.
 Click the face of the antique clock.
 Click the far right window of the Haunted Mansion Cut-Out.
 Click the top pumpkin of the Jack-O-Lights.
 Click the Mansion Door.
Oh, and my favourite:

I love that igloo!!!
I love Halloween. It's one of my favourite times of the year. Do you like Halloween? Do you celebrate it?

Let me know in the comments!


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Puffles to be updated

Puffles are soon going to have stat bars, new messages to send to you and little icons when they're hungry/tired/neglected. Do you like these changes? I do!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Pumpkin Head Code

There's a new code that everyone can use to unlock a Pumpkin Head!

The Code is pumpkin1 and the item looks like this:

Perfect for Halloween!


(If you don't know how to unlock items online, ask in the comments and I'll tell you how)

Friday, October 07, 2011

Cool Competition!

I'm holding a competition! You have 2 weeks (maybe more) to enter. This is what you have to do:

(Look at the bottom all non members. There's something for you as well.)

I want you to create a themed igloo with a matching penguin and puffle. It can be any theme. Seasonal, religious, musical, etc. Take a picture of it and send it to me at

Here's how you take the picture (Windows users):
1. Open up Paint
2. Find where you want to take the picture.
3. Press 'prt sc'. It should be somewhere around the top right of your keyboard.
4. Open up paint and paste the screen shot.
5. Crop the bit that you need. (Get rid of toolbars and everything, you just want the Club Penguin screen.)
6. Put your username at the top or bottom so no one steals it.

Email Form:

Subject: Theme Competition
Attachment: (Save the file as (your username here).png



If you are a non member

If you are a non member, I want you to write a short description about how you would decorate your igloo and penguin, and which puffle you would use. (Maybe a hat for the puffle...?)

The prize is a surprise.

You have until Saturday 22nd October to enter.

Good Luck!


Are you going to enter? Email me if you have any problems. :)


Tuesday, October 04, 2011

New Stuff Has Come Early!

There's loads of new stuff! Here's what has happened:

I love those puffle hats! My favourite is the Pirate Hat! What's your favourite?

A new Halloween clothing catalogue:

This catalogue is so cool! (I don't show all the pages, only the ones that have hidden items.) What's your favourite clothing item from this catalogue?

I can't do the field op because Club Penguin logged me out and I can't access the website again. :(

What do you think of all this new stuff? Have you tried out some of the hats on your puffles yet?


The Fair and Puffle Hats Update

Club Penguin have posted on their blog:

Hello Penguins!

It's a busy time here at the Club Penguin offices. The team is working day and night to get ready for a HUGE month of new stuff for you. It's very exciting! I wanted to give you a quick heads up about what's coming next week:

Puffle Hats coming early: The team is working hard over the weekend to release hats for puffles as early as this Tuesday! Not only that, but this month's clothing catalog is coming early, too!!

The Fair ending on Monday: To make way for some of the big stuff that's coming, this year's Fair will be ending tomorrow. So you'll have a bit more time to earn these Stamps:
  • Rockhopper: Be in the same room as Rockhopper
  • Happy Room: Make 10 penguins smile in a room
  • Snack Shack: Serve snacks from a booth, using any food emote
  • Target Champion: Hit 50 targets in a task at a party

Igloo party video: Happy77 and the team are going to look for some great igloo parties on Monday to feature in a new video! Make sure your igloo is open so the team can check out your party!

Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below. We're here to help!


Are you excited? Comment and tell me what you're most looking forward to.



Saturday, October 01, 2011

What do you want?

I haven't been doing very well lately. My posts haven't given enough information, I don't always post on time and I haven't posted about all the updates. I've decided to do a lot of updates to change this blog. Before I start I need to know what you think.