Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Random Post

I'm bored, so I'm doing a random post.

Here's a little thing for you to work out:

You're at the pizza parlor. The friend sitting on your table has just received 1 vegetarian pizza with extra seaweed. They now have 15 big pieces of seaweed on their pizza. You have just got a fishy pizza with seaweed. You have 5 pieces of fish and 5 pieces of seaweed. Your friend ate 1 quarter of their pizza, and was left with 10 pieces of seaweed, and you ate 1 half of your pizza, and were left with 4 pieces of fish and 4 pieces of seaweed. You then picked off half of your remaining toppings and put them on your plate. Your friend picked up 3/4 of them and ate them. How many of you and your friends toppings are left?

This is a simple question, but I've laid it out in a confusing way, so hopefully it will get your brains thinking in some way.

Answer soon!
Anyone that comments with the right answer will get a prize!


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