Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Beta Team Update

Club Penguin have posted on their blog:

Hello Penguins!

Remember when we mentioned Beta Team a few posts ago? We've added some new prototypes to the site for you game testers!

If you haven't come across the Beta testing site yet, click here... Here are some things to remember while testing:
  • The only way to log onto Beta Team is by finding a hidden link on the blog...
  • Only a certain number of penguins can test at the same time
  • There's a 10 minute timer on the site at the moment, so you may get disconnected while playing some of the rough prototypes
  • There will be bugs, because it's a test site!

Thanks for testing... Let us know which Beta Team game has been your favorite, and what you'd like to see more of in the comments below.

Until next time...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on July 19 2011 05:08

I think the number of penguins doing it at a time should be unlimited, and so should the time you spend on there.
What do you think?


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