Monday, July 25, 2011

Featured Igloos This Week

Happy777 has posted on the Club Penguin blog:

Greetings Penguins!

Happy77 here. Thanks to everyone who suggested igloos. It's sweet seeing how imaginative you are!

Check out some of the great designs I've seen.

Mr Cockroach sent in this music restaurant from Buddytoe:


Here is a café Hollister866 created:

Hollister866.jpgEliasnfs recommended this igloo from Agent Top 4:

Agent Top4.jpg

If you get the chance to visit them, be sure to send the decorators a postcard. :)

Let us know about other great igloos you've seen in the comments!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team
By Happy77 on July 24 2011 10:24

What do you think about these igloos?


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