Monday, July 25, 2011

How to Comment

The comments you do are just as important as the post. If you're not sure about what to say in comments, read this post.

1. What to say in the comment.

At the end of a post, the author usually puts a question like 'What do you think?'. This is to give you an idea for your comment.  If they don't do this, read through the post and think about what the post is about. For example, if they are posting about some party cheats, you could comment on what you think about the party.
Try to make your comment interesting, and make sure the author knows your thoughts on the post.

2. What not to do

1. Don't comment with a link to your blog. Would you like it if someone was luring your readers away?
2. Be polite. Your comment probably won't be posted if you're being rude, or being mean about the author or anyone else.
3. Don't feed the trolls! If someone has said something nasty in their comment, and you reply back telling them to go away, or to shut up, that's called 'feeding the trolls'. They say those things to get a reaction.
4. Make your comment to long. Unless it's really interesting, it's best to keep it short.
5. Have bad grammar. I have seen awful comments that have such bad spelling and grammar that I couldn't actually read them.

3. What's good to do

1. Comment regularly. The author is more likely to reply to your comment and you have a bigger chance of becoming an author on that blog.
2. Read your comment through before you post- check for any spelling mistakes, and make sure the author would be likely to approve it.
3. Keep your comment linked with the post. Don't go off topic, it's very annoying.
4. Be nice. Your comment definitely won't be approved if you're rude to everyone.
5. Make it interesting- interesting comments are most likely to be approved.

4. Why comment?

Commenting is important because it means that you can give feedback to the author. It also means that the author knows what sort of people visit their blog. When you comment, if you sign in with your Google account or name and url, it means any of your blogs are more likely to be viewed. Commenting is a great way of getting your point of view across.

5. Good comment layout

Here's a good way that you can lay out your comment:

1. What you think about the post.
2. What you think about the blog.
3. What the author could improve.

Overall, it's best to comment regularly, be polite in your comments and to have good spelling and grammar.


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