Wednesday, May 04, 2011

What's new in May! (and June!)

Club Penguin have posted on their blog!:

Hello Penguins! 

It's a brand new month, and the team is putting the finishing touches on some new stuff for Club Penguin. It all starts this week with a new catalog at the Gift Shop! 

Here's a sneak peek of some things coming over the next couple months... 


What do you see in the pictures? Can you guess what's coming next? Let us know your best guess in the comments! 

In other news... Some of you may have heard that a certain polar bear may be planning something later this month. Elite agents will need to be ready to work together on this one... 

Until then... Waddle On! 

-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on May 04 2011 07:47

I think one of them's Herbert, one of them's the Music Jam and the other is the Medieval Party.

What do you think?

Comment now!


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