Saturday, May 28, 2011

Top Secret EPF Update

Club Penguin have posted on their blog:

This message is for secret agents. If you're not an EPF agent yet, ask someone for an invitation to take the Test... 

Hello Penguins Agents!

Thanks for helping to keep the island safe during the Medieval Party! It's been great seeing so many of you equipped with all the latest EPF gear. 

The team is really excited about the next thing they've been working on for Elite Agents... an epic encounter with a certain polar bear. I'll let you in on a little secret... Herbert is planning something big, and it could be an attack on the EPF! Stay on alert, agents! 

As you may have heard, you'll need to work together on this one. Here's a sneak peek:

We can't wait to hear what your thoughts, agents! Let us know what you think Herbert and Klutzy are up to in the comments. 

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on May 27 2011 06:52


Wow! What do you think?


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