Saturday, December 03, 2011

My problem

I have put so much work and effort into my blog. I've tried to keep it looking nice and I have posted anytime I can. I admit my parties don't always go to plan, but I am well known for being forgetful. This blog has been around for nearly 2 years. So far, I have had fewer than 10 comments, and I have had no entries for any competitions. Unlike some, I have decided not to give up. So, I'm going to give myself until December 10th, to make my blog better. That means changing the header, background, posts, everything. Also, I'm going to add an advent calendar to the site. (Well, I'll try)

So, goodbye until Dec.10


1 comment:

  1. Hi Smallpingi! I wam Shewshwa. I can make you a FREE header for your blog. I own a graphics site. just email the details of your header, if you would like one!

    email to:

    Thanks, I love your blog!!!



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