Tuesday, April 05, 2011

New field op!

Club Penguin have released a new field op!

1. Go to the command room to receive your orders.
Gary: "Rookie is working on the crab translations, so let's investigate for more secret messages.

Work together to search the island for more clues. Check anything with a lock- like chests, suitcases or lockers."

3. Go to the ski lodge, just to the right of the ladder, when your spy phone starts flashing green, click on it.
4. Do the mini game.
5. At the end, you'll find one of Herbert's secret messages to the Ultimate Protobot:
Herbet: "Protobot! Those cursed agents are still a step ahead of us. Be more careful when you're hiding you messages.
Don't do ANYTHING until we have a plan. Let's wait until the next noisy celebration starts."

Maybe that's why the April fools party has ended late!

P.S: See! I'm organised now!

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