Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Sneak Peek: What's new in June!

Club Penguin have posted on their blog!:

New in June!
Hello Penguins!

The team is putting the finishing touches on some new stuff for June! Here's a sneak peek at some things they've been working on:

Plus here are some dates to remember:
  • June 9: New igloo item catalog
  • June 16: Music Jam = party time!
  • June 23: New member ninja items at the Ninja Hideout
  • and more...

So what are you most excited about this month? Can you guess what's in each of the pictures? Let us know in the comments!

Until then... Waddle On!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on June 07 2011 11:38


For the pictures, I think the dojo means the snow ninjas are coming, the penguins mean new clothes, and the black thing is a speaker, which means the music jam's coming.

What do you think?

Comment and tell me!


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