Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Party has ended :(

The best party of the year has ended. Christmas is over. :(

A new newspaper has come out. Let's have a look:

Next up, this week's Field Op:

1. Go to the command room and click on the big yellow screen:

2. Click 'Accept Field-Op'.

3. Go to the Ski Hill and go where my penguin is in the picture.

4. Click your Spy Phone when it goes green and do the mini game.

5. You're done!

There are also some codes for your penguin:

MMCODE11 = 500 coins

MMCODE12 = Guitar Top

MMCODE12 = 2500 coins



Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday Time!

It's strange, because Club Penguin said they post newspapers on a Friday now, but they still do it on a Thursday. It's good, anyway! :)

First let's look at the newspaper:

I'm entering the igloo competition! Are you?

Next, the latest Field Op: (Sorry for not doing the last one!)

1. Go to the command room and click the big yellow screen.

2. Click 'Accept Field-Op'.
3. Sit on the seat that you can see my penguins sitting on, and click your spy phone when it goes green.
 4. Do the mini game. This time, you have to give your little micro-thing directions to land on the red targets. You can only give a certain amount of instructions, so be careful! (This one is easy)
 5. Well done! You have completed this week's Field Op!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's the best party of the year!

I'm doing the party cheats now, and the igloo cheats later:

First go to the forest!

You can get a gift everyday until the 25th! (Now, what is special about the 25th of December...?)

There's also a bakery!

The lighthouse:

Already lots of coins!!!

And finally, Rockhopper's catalogue:

I love this party. I have never been to a Club Penguin Christmas party and felt it was rubbish. They're all fun.


Sunday, December 11, 2011


Please can you advertise my blog. If you get me more readers then I will throw a Christmas party!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hello again

As you can see, I haven't made many updates. I need one more day to do a load of stuff. I also want to make an awesome pivot animation to post on here.


Saturday, December 03, 2011

My problem

I have put so much work and effort into my blog. I've tried to keep it looking nice and I have posted anytime I can. I admit my parties don't always go to plan, but I am well known for being forgetful. This blog has been around for nearly 2 years. So far, I have had fewer than 10 comments, and I have had no entries for any competitions. Unlike some, I have decided not to give up. So, I'm going to give myself until December 10th, to make my blog better. That means changing the header, background, posts, everything. Also, I'm going to add an advent calendar to the site. (Well, I'll try)

So, goodbye until Dec.10


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Good news...

I can't post today's cheats because I'm devolping a new posting format....

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday 17.11.11

It's Newspaper (and other stuff) day!


2. Construction Begins

Penguins everywhere are getting ready for the Ninja party. They're going as quickly as possible so the party can start.

3. Finally, the Field Op:

1. Go to the command room to receive your orders.

2. Click on the big yellow screen.

3. Click 'Accept Field-Op'.

4. Go to the cove and go to the bottom right corner:

5. When your Spy Phone goes green, click on it and play the mini game.

6. A message will pop up when you have finished:

So, what do you think about the new updates? Are you excited about the Ninja Party? I am!

Tell me in the comments!


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Blog Feature!

First, I need you to know:


I've added a new feature to my blog! It's a popular posts bar. Now I have added this, it means that you can see any posts that you might have missed from the past 7 days. It will take a while to appear, while I get some posts that people actually read. Why doesn't anyone comment? :(

I hope it helps, and please give me some feedback! By commenting!


Monday, November 14, 2011

Fun House!

Hello! I'm on this awesome thing called Funhouse. It's basically all your gaming profiles in one.

It's really cool and if you join up now you will get the Beta Ticket. Also, it's completely free!


Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Stuff!

I love this part of the week!

November-December Better Igloos catalogue!:

First click the little brown penguin for the awesome Ninja Cauldron!

Then, click the word 'Ninja' for the Training Dummy.

 Now, click the word 'Each' for the Modern Chair!
 Click the Yellow Lantern for the Modern Couch!
 Now for one of my favourites, click one of the squares of the Window for the Wall Clock!
 Click the middle of the Scoop Chair for the Green Birdhouse!
And Finally, you can make new customised items!

I'll have a 'better' igloo at this rate! :)

Now for the newspaper:

Finally, the field op:

1. Go to the Command Room to receive your orders.

 2. Click 'Accept Field-Op'.
3. Go to the pet shop and waddle to the bottom right-hand corner. (The plasma ball)
4. When your spy phone goes green, click it.

 5. Do the mini game.


What do you think of the recent updates?

Tell me in the comments!


Saturday, November 05, 2011

New Login Page!

Club Penguin have released a new log in page, and it looks exciting!

Card-Jitsu party, November 24th! Non Members and Members will be able to access cart jitsu water and fire until December 6th!

Are you excited? I can't wait!


Thursday, November 03, 2011

So Much New Stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This post will take ages, but I'll do it anyway:

First for the Club Penguin clothing catalogue:

I like the hidden items, but I don't think they really match the theme.


Next, it's Pufflescape!

Here are the steps:

1. Go to the pet shop.

2. By the door, there is a new area, with a plastic ball.

3. Waddle there.

4. Choose a puffle.

5. Choose a level.

6. Play!

I love that game!


The field op:

1. Go to the command room to receive your orders:

2. Go to the mine, and go to the bit that I have circled in red:

3. Click your phone when it flashes green, and do the mini game:

4. When you have completed the mini game, read the message:

And one more thing, haven't our penguins got a lot smaller?

What do you think of all the updates?
