Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Stuff!

I love this part of the week!

November-December Better Igloos catalogue!:

First click the little brown penguin for the awesome Ninja Cauldron!

Then, click the word 'Ninja' for the Training Dummy.

 Now, click the word 'Each' for the Modern Chair!
 Click the Yellow Lantern for the Modern Couch!
 Now for one of my favourites, click one of the squares of the Window for the Wall Clock!
 Click the middle of the Scoop Chair for the Green Birdhouse!
And Finally, you can make new customised items!

I'll have a 'better' igloo at this rate! :)

Now for the newspaper:

Finally, the field op:

1. Go to the Command Room to receive your orders.

 2. Click 'Accept Field-Op'.
3. Go to the pet shop and waddle to the bottom right-hand corner. (The plasma ball)
4. When your spy phone goes green, click it.

 5. Do the mini game.


What do you think of the recent updates?

Tell me in the comments!


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