Friday, October 28, 2011

New Friends System, Newspaper and Field Op!

Club Penguin have updated the friends system!:
There's a new Newspaper!
Here's the 'upcoming events' section:

And finally, the Field Op:

1. Go to the command room and click on the big yellow screen.
2. When you have read Gary's orders, click 'Accept Field Op'.
3. Go to the Night Club.
4. In the corner (I can't do pictures for this bit, my connection was lost and they won't let me in again) look for a pumpkin with eyes that look like it's wearing sunglasses. Waddle over to it.
5. When your spy phone goes green, click on it and do the mini game.
6. Read the message and you're done.


Do you like the new updates? Pufflescape, Friends List and Chat are my favourites!

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