Saturday, April 02, 2011

April Fools Party Review

The April Fools party is coming to an end, and it's time for me to do a review.

This year's April Fools party wasn't as 'Wacky' as past years, although, it was mostly concentrated on the box dimension.

The town was fun, because you could climb the walls of the buildings! I enjoyed going up the coffee shop and drilling, flying with my propeller hat and using my box costume.

But, the town could have been decorated more, because it is usually the first room you go to when you log in, so you'd want a good impression of the party.

The box dimension was fun, and it's nice to have some new rooms instead of just one. Sadly, Club Penguin has revealed that these rooms in box dimension will be closed off after the party, just because they can't be mapped. I liked all seven rooms, and my favourite was the stair dimension.

The party was fun, and now Rookie is a meetable character!

Rookie's background is awesome! I've met him but I never got his background. :(

What do you think?


P.S Sorry I didn't do the catalogue.

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