Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Disney are ripping us off!

For my birthday, I got a DSi. With it, I got Club Penguin Herbert's Revenge. I was really excited. I thought there would be loads of missions to do. I was wrong.

There were 10 tiny missions. About the first 5 were old PSA missions. Boring!
Then, when you complete all those tiny missions, there are four mini games.
When you complete the missions, you can do them again. But otherwise, that's the end of the game.

I was really upset. I had been wanting hat game since the day it came out. I think Club Penguin and Disney should be ashamed of themselves. Some places sell Club Penguin Herbert's revenge for up to £30!
Disney is ripping us off. All Club Penguin merchandise costs twice as much as it should do.

I reccomend that no one buys Herbert's Revenge, and that they should buy nice games like Animal Crossing, Brain Training and New Super Mario Bros.



  1. Thank you, I am considering trading my Club Penguin Herbert's Revenge Game with another, better one.


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