Monday, January 31, 2011

2 in 1

OK, I have updated the igloo and penguin of the week page (click all pictures to enlarge).

Also, it's the ending of January and the beginning of February so I thought I might make this next month a good month for this blog. And hopefully all the months after that.
So here are some promises:

1. I will post more. I haven't been able to post much recently. :(
2. I will update Penguin and Igloo of the week more often, because I've already missed a week.
3. I will do more on Twitter. (On Twitter I'm pombom123. Don't ask about the name...)
4. I will throw more parties. Partying is awesome!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

A big apology

I'm so sorry!
I missed today's party because I was busy shopping! Well, at least I got a puffle hoodie and Card Jitsu trading cards!
I'm very sorry. So sorry that I will throw a party again some time soon!

~smallpengi12 :(

Friday, January 28, 2011

I'm amazed at my stats!

I'm amazed at my stats!
Thank you everyone for visiting my blog.
My blog's stats (Click to enlarge)

New play!

New play at the stage! It's the Penguins that time forgot! (Click the image to enlarge.)
They've also brought back a rare item! The grass skirt!

I tried to get pictures of the grass skirt but my computer had problems loading it. :(

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Some party updates!

Party updates (time still same)

Okay, so my igloo has changed for the party:
Party plan:
  1. All come to my igloo at the time I said. It shall be on the map and I may or may not advertise it in the town before hand.
  2. Half an hour after it has started and everyone is ready, we shall go to the night club and play a huge multiplayer game of dance off.
  3. Then we will all go to the coffee shop and enjoy coffee and that is the only time I shall accept friend requests.
  4. 45 minutes after the party has started we will go back to my igloo for fifteen minutes until it would be an hour since the party had started. When the party ends you can send me cards and I will send some of you lot cards!
Have fun!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A message to all viewers!

I was looking at my blog stats today and I was amazed! People from Germany, Argentina, Romania loads of countries have looked at my blog!
In fact, I'm so excited I'm throwing a party at my igloo in a few days time!
But, before I give you information about that, let me just ask you all something.
Please, if you see this blog, follow it, keep it on your favourites, comment, anything. Please! I have always wanted my penguin to become famous, and by commenting on this blog loads, your penguin will become famous too. I really enjoy blogging, and as soon as I have lots of people looking at my blog, I will start rolling in authors. I would prefer to have them three at a time, and change them every 2 months so everyone gets a chance.
Now for the party:

Saturday 29th January 2011

Where?: Server: Wind chill

Greenwich Mean time: 14:00pm
Penguin Standard Time: 18:00pm
PST: 18:00pm
MST: 19:00pm
CST: 20:00pm
HST: 16:00pm
AKST: 17:00pm
EST: 21:00pm

My igloo (click to enlarge):

More info later!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Glitch alert! Glitch alert!

Ok, so I know you don't like videos but I had to do this in a video, there was no other way!

Basically, when I clicked my brown puffle, an orange puffle appeared! The name of my brown puffle was there (The Geek), but my orange puffle was there. When I made my brown/orange puffle sleep, the brown puffle would sleep. What's happening?

New field op! With pictures!

There's a new field op and this time I've got pictures!:

1. Go to the big yellow field op screen in the headquarters and it will pop up.

2. Click 'accept mission.'

3. Go to the first part of the wilderness where penguins are crowding or if not just do bottom right.

4. When you spy phone goes green, click at and do the mission. This time you have to crack a code.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New post!

Club Penguin have posted something on their blog!

Hello Penguins!

The haunting of the viking opera is returning to to the stage in February! To celebrate we want to make a viking pin.
We need your help to decide what it looks like. Which pin would you like to see?
Until then, waddle on!
Wow! I voted for the viking ship! The haunting of the viking opera hasn't been at the stage for a long time!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Here's a cheat for wilderness party only:

  • Where the big machine is, get the barrel up that you're supposed to go down. Click on it to go there but before you get the press mail. Then close mail when u do get there and u will walk out of the barrel still in the same room and you will be invisible. People will only see you speaking!!!
Credit to wizzer10!

(Click the image)

Club Penguin Brown Puffle

Species: Brown Puffle

Discovered: 18/1/11

Habitat: Cave

Personality: Very clever, slightly zany and playful.

When he eats: He puts his face in the bowl and moves around the bowl.

When he plays: He has an airplane, he puts his goggles and a helmet on and the plane crashes and he parachutes down.

When he sleeps: He dreams of algebra and pie charts.


I'm going to be doing a lot of posting in the next couple of days because there's a lot going on and I'm getting myself more organised so I can add lots more features! :)


Making your igloo like a real home

Ever since Club Penguin came out penguins have been trying to make their igloo like a real home. Few penguins have ever succeeded.
Here's mine:

In my igloo I have an entrance, kitchen, bedroom, living room, study and garden.
  • When doing the kitchen, try to go for one colour if possible.
  • When you get to the desk, make sure the screen saver is on the computer.
  • In the bedroom you can use a deck chair as a bed or lay out a sofa. Make sure you have a wardrobe!
  • In the garden there can be trees, plants and rocks.
  • Split everything apart using the puffle pen walls, lockers or snow fort parts.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

System Defender tips

Here are some tips to help you play System Defender:

  • When you have earned all the system defender stamps you get double the coins each time you finished system defender! (I have done that!)
  • When you put cannons down place 2 of the same next to each other so when one is upgrading the other can still continue firing.
  • If you have not yet got all the stamps, when you play System Defender remember to concentrate on one stamp at a time, don't push yourself.
  • If you have completed a level, but struggled on it. Do it again. Make sure you can do it properly.
More tips coming soon!

New page!

I have released a new page, igloo and penguin of the week. Every week I will choose my favourite igloo and my favourite penguin. My first igloo was Heny's igloo and my first penguin is Greenbeen16.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Club Penguin's drawings have changed a lot!

When the brown puffle came I noticed a difference in Club Penguin's drawings. The eyes of puffles are rounder and the fur has changed- it has got rounder too. Also, when you see a plank of wood, they used to just do it brown. No they do different shades of brown and they add more detail too.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Warning about apc chat

Warning: Do not trade penguins on chat. There is a 95% chance that you will get scammed. If you really must trade then here are some tips to help stop scamming:

  • Make sure you are VERY VERY sure you want to trade your penguin, there's no going back afterwards.
  • Make sure you know the person you're trading with very very well.
  • If you are trading make sure that you are being truthful about your penguin when you are asked for days, tour guide, agent, clothes etc.
  • When you are trading make sure it is in private chat or otherwise people will all see your password.
  • Make sure you get the other penguin to prove to you they have however many xats or days they are giving you. Lying is common.
Safe trading!


Friday, January 14, 2011

New snow and sports catalogue

Again, I can't get any pictures of this catalogue because I'm on a different computer, but I will describe the catalogue.

Basically, it's much the same as the previous catalogue although it has an new golden outfit for ice skating (yellow team) and a new wig for that. It also has the yellow team ice hockey outfits and the green items are no longer hidden, they are actually on the page instead of a hidden item. They have some of the igloo items from 2009 so they have brought back some old items! Sadly, there are no hidden items this time.

(I can't do this months igloo items now but as soon as I get hyper cam again I will do.)

System defender

Club Penguin have released a new epf game. System defender! It's a bit different to all the other games and it's running quite slow at the moment. Basically, there are some evil bots and you have to place different types of cannons strategically across the board so you destroy all the robots with the right type of cannon.
I can't do any pictures or videos right now because I'm on a different computer which doesn't have hyper cam.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Field Op

Club Penguin have released a new field op. I can't do pictures this time of films. :(

1. Go to the epf headquarters and click the big yellow screen on your right.
2. Click 'accept mission' and the to ski hill.
3. Go to the back of ski hill (you may see loads of penguins crowding there if you are on a busy server so you can go where they are.)
4. You spy phone will go green and beep. Click on it.
5. Do the mission by following the instructions. You will then earn a medal and if you are a member you can use medals to unlock epf uniform.

There may be an epf game coming out soon called 'system defender'.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Card Jitsu water update

Club Penguin had been told that lots of people's card jtsu games were running slowly so they have added a new feature to help with your game- you can now change the graphics quality. It on a big board in the top of your game. I've tried it out and it works!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

I'm doing some Club Penguin films.

I'm making some Club Penguin films!
My favourite is a tour of my favourite places in Club Penguin.

In other news:
Today surfing wouldn't properly.
Club Penguin haven't posted on their blog since around the beggining of this week!
Acp's servers are bing invaded. Help them!!!

Problem with hyper cam

I wanted to use hyper cam but it takes ages to load onto my posts so I will have to see what I can do.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Changes to posting

I am going to start using hyper cam to post things on my blog.

Saturday, January 01, 2011


I am penguinpeg20. The owner of this blog, smallpengi12 has made me an author. So now sometimes I will post things.

Happy New Year!

Happy new year!
Last year my blog didn't do too well but I'm hoping it will do better in 2011!
I have some aims for my blog:
  • Post updates on everything that goes on in Club Penguin. Catalogues, parties, new rooms or games etc.
  • Post more often.
  • Have more parties.

P.S: Acp have added me!